Understanding the Idea Score

The Idea Score in SilkFlo is a high-level scoring algorithm used to evaluate and prioritize ideas for automation within a company, helping to identify which ideas should or should not be pursued for automation.

Once an idea is submitted, this score assesses both the suitability and readiness of the idea, helping to focus company efforts on those that are most likely to deliver value. Expressed as a percentage ranging from 0 to 100%, with higher percentages indicating greater potential for success, the Idea Score is calculated as a simple average between the Feasibility Score and the Readiness Score.

It is essential to note that all the factors mentioned, including the degree of rule-based processes, digitization level of inputs, structure of input data, anticipated process changes, and the existence of process documentation, positively influence the Idea Score the higher they are ranked.

Understanding the Feasibility Score

The Feasibility Score is a metric that aids in evaluating how well-suited an idea or process is for automation.

It is determined by calculating the simple arithmetic average of three factors:

  • The degree to which the process is rule-based.
  • The process’s level of digitization.
  • The degree to which the input data is structured.

A high Feasibility Score indicates a strong suitability for automation.

Understanding the Readiness Score

The Readiness Score is designed to assess the readiness of an idea or process for automation, focusing on its stage in the process lifecycle.

This score is derived from the simple arithmetic average of two critical factors:

  • The anticipated changes in the process.
  • The existence of documentation that describes the process or task.

A higher Readiness Score suggests that the process is more prepared for immediate automation.

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Updated on February 15, 2024