Performing a Detailed Assessment

Welcome to the Detailed Assessment section of SilkFlo! This guide will walk you through each step, helping you assess an idea for automation and its potential benefits in finer detail. Let’s get started!

After an Idea is progressed to the Assess stage, the Detailed Assessment is unlocked. This allows you to delve deeper into the finer aspects of the process that help understand the feasibility, complexity, and potential ROI in terms of hours, FTE, and cost savings.

Completing the Detailed Assessment

Navigate to the Idea’s profile page. On the About section, click the Edit mode. The detailed assessment consists of the following sections:

Automation Goal

Why are we automating? Choose the main reason from the drop-down list:

  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Productivity
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction

Environmental Stability

Process Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months: How much do you expect your process to change in the next half-year? Choose from the options available.

Applications Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months: How much do you expect the Applications used in the process to change in the next 6 months? Choose from the options available.

Employee Profile

Average Working Days/Year: How many days per year do your employees work on average, excluding holidays?

Working Hours/Day: Enter the legal number of working hours per day for the employees performing the process.

Average Employee Full Cost/Year: The average fully loaded cost per year for the employees performing the process.

Number of Employees Performing the Task: Enter the total number of employees needed to complete the task.

Process Volumetry

Task/Process Frequency: How often does this process occur? Choose from the drop-down list.

Activity Volume Average: On average, how many transactions (i.e. reports, emails, documents, or requests) are processed?

Average Processing Time/Transaction: Enter the average time (in minutes) spent to complete the task once.

Total Processing Time: This is calculated for you based on your previous answers.

Error Rate

Average Error Rate: Enter the average percentage of the total yearly volumes of transactions that are faulty and require time to re-work.

Average Rework Time/Transaction: Enter the average re-work time needed per transaction when there is a human error.

Total Rework Time (hours/year): This is calculated for you based on your previous answers.


Average Work to be Reviewed/Audited: Enter the average percentage of the task that needs to be reviewed or audited before being considered complete.

Average Review or Audit Time/Transaction: Enter the average time in minutes spent to complete the review or audit of the task.

Total Review/Audit Time (hours/year): This is calculated for you based on your previous answers.

Process Ways of Working

Process Peaks: How often do you see a surge in activity or volume for the process? Choose from the options available.

Average Number of Steps: Select the average number of steps needed to complete the task.

Number of Ways to Complete the Process: Select the number of different variations possible to complete the process.

Data Input

% of Digital Data Input: Enter the percentage of your data that comes from digital sources.

Scanned Data Input: Select if scanned data is used to complete the task.

% of Structured Digital Data Input: Select the percentage of structured digital data used to complete the process.

Applications Used

Select from the list all the applications that are being used when performing the described task. These applications are defined by the CoE in the Application inventory of SilkFlo’s Platform Setup.

Want to take a break? To save your progress, click Save.

Once you’re sure that all the details in the Detailed Assessment are complete and accurate, go ahead and click Submit Assessment.

The Detailed Assessment calculations

After you assess an idea for automation, SilkFlo’s KPIs help you understand the potential benefits of automation. They can show you how much time you could save or how much money your business could save over a year. Here’s how we calculate them:


Feasibility is all about whether automation is achievable right now. It takes into account:

  • Process Stability
  • Applications Stability

If both are stable, it’s more likely that automation is feasible.

Automation Potential

This score tells you how suitable your process or task is for automation. In other words, it’s a measure of how much of a process an automation/bot can handle. It considers:

  • How structured your input data is
  • The variability of your process
  • The level of digitization of your input

The closer this score is to 100%, the more of your process can be automated. For example, if your Automation Potential is 90%, that means a robot can likely handle 90% of the process.

Ease of Implementation

This score gives you an idea of how much effort it’ll take to automate your process or task. It considers:

  • Process and applications stability
  • How structured your input data is
  • The variability and length of your process
  • The number of applications used

We also use multipliers for scanned input (OCR) and the percentage of applications accessed via a thin client.

Here’s how to interpret the score:

  • Easy: 65%-100%
  • Medium difficulty: 35%-65%
  • Difficult: 0%-35%

Note: Please bear in mind that many other factors can affect the actual implementation complexity. This includes, but is not limited to, integration complexities, software vendors (and their ease of use), regulatory requirements, and change management needs. As such, this score should be seen as a high-level starting point rather than a definitive measure of implementation effort.

Estimated Benefit per Company (Hours):

This is the amount of time the company could save/free up by automating. We calculate it by multiplying the Automation Potential % by Total Time Needed to Perform Work without Automation (hours/year).

Total Time Needed to Perform Work without Automation (hours/year) includes:

  • The baseline time to complete the process
  • The time spent fixing errors (rework time)
  • The time spent on audits/reviews

Estimated Benefit per Company (Currency)

This is the amount of money you could save by automating. We calculate it by multiplying the Automation Potential % by the Cost/year for the process As-Is.

The Cost/year for the process As-Is is calculated by multiplying:

  • The Average Employee Full Cost/Year
  • The FTEs Required, which is the Total Time Needed to Perform Work without Automation (hours/year) divided by the Average Working Days/Year and the Working Hours/Day

Estimated Benefit per Company (FTEs)

This is the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees you could save by automating. We calculate it by multiplying the Automation Potential % by the FTE Required.

Estimated Benefit per Employee (Hours)

This is the amount of time each employee could save by automating. We calculate it by dividing the Benefit per company (hours saved/year) by the Number of Employees.

Estimated Benefit per Employee (FTEs)

This is the number of FTEs each employee could save by automating. We calculate it by dividing the Benefit per company (FTEs) by the Number of Employees.

Estimated Benefit per Employee (Currency)

This is the amount of money each employee could save by automating. We calculate it by dividing the Benefit per company (currency/year) by the Number of Employees.

Remember, these KPIs are estimates. They’re here to give you an idea of the potential benefits of automation, but the actual benefits will depend on your live automation performance metrics

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Updated on February 19, 2024